Problems logging (not a valid username, e-mail or password). Password does not come by email.

To clear the current password (when the entrance to the site is not possible):

Follow the link:
Enter your E-mail, Image code and click "Submit".

Attention! Do not press the "Send" button a few times, do not reset the password more than 15 minutes.
Check your email, if the letter did not come immediately, then wait 15 minutes. If you reset the password several times, you can mix up passwords.

If after 15 minutes the letter did not come, get in your mailbox "Spam", get a letter in this folder, open the message and get the "This is not spam". Follow the instructions described in the letter.

Page login:

If you can not log in to your account: 

Change the current password, please visit:
Enter the old (current) password, the new password and enter it again. Click "Save".

Page login:

If you know the password , but the login fails:

1. Log in using another browser (Internet Explorer). If another browser is not set, set it to download: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome  
2. Log in to your browser and clear: browser cache, coockies and password belonging to the site litesurf.
3. Reinstall the browser if it was already installed, removing use with the complete removal of the browser cache, cookie and passwords.

Страница входа на сайт:

If these instructions did not help you, make screenshots of all error pages, and data that you enter, write to support, and be sure to attach screenshots to post:

Главная / Problems logging (not a valid username, e-mail or password). Password does not come by email.
©, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.