Traffic and Promotion of Internet Projects


Promotion Websites, channels, videos, pages and posts

No intermediaries


Automatic project setup and expert verification as a gift.

from 4.80 $


Our system automates key promotion and optimization tasks, helping you easily increase:

Attendance Unique views Increase in domain trust Improve behavioral factors Link enhancement Improvement of metrics Social signals Indexing acceleration Increased reach Website ranking improvement
Reduction of churn Increase in scrolls
Attendance Unique views
Improvement of metrics Increased reach
Reduction of churn Unique views
Social signals Link enhancement
Website ranking improvement
Increase in scrolls
Increase in domain trust
Improve behavioral factors

Results of our clients

All cases are published with the permission of our clients.

The number of live visits has increased fourfold, from 61 to 214 per day.

results-item-image Corporate website - Plastic Windows

The website traffic has increased fourfold, from 61 to 214 visitors daily. This indicates a significant improvement in the resource's attractiveness and successful efforts to attract a new audience, which positively affects the overall attendance.



Website Owner

star-users star-users star-users star-users star-users 5.0
Read all 535 reviews

Increase in visibility metrics by 4 times in 3.5 months, enhancement of organic search results

results-item-image Wholesale of Goods for Marketplaces

In 3.5 months, the visibility of the website in search engines increased by 4 times, significantly enhancing organic traffic. Improving positions in search results contributes to an increase in the reach of the target audience.


Mikhail Stupanov


star-users star-users star-users star-users star-users 5.0
Read all 535 reviews

Improvement of website indexing, alignment of pages in Yandex and Google. Increasing the website's rankings.

results-item-image Football Portal

The website indexing has significantly improved: pages are now evenly visible in both Yandex and Google, which helps to align rankings and increase visibility in search results, strengthening the website's positions.


Olga Ivanova

SEO Optimizer

star-users star-users star-users star-users star-users 5.0
Read all 535 reviews

Reduction of audience churn rates: from 69 to 29 percent.

results-item-image Telegram channel and website

The churn rate decreased from 69% to 29%, demonstrating an improvement in audience retention. Users have become more engaged with the website's content, positively affecting its overall effectiveness and audience attraction.



Content Manager

star-users star-users star-users star-users star-users 5.0
Read all 535 reviews

Advertising using artificial intelligence

Our self-learning artificial intelligence analyzes users' interests in browsing and search to align with your targeting goals.

Unique traffic in the quantity you need

Unique visits to your posts, channels, groups, and pages from user programs on our platform.

Improvement of PF (Behavioral Factors)

Metrics such as: time, depth of view, and bounce rate, which affect promotion and others.

Motivated visitors

Your registrations and tasks will be completed by motivated performers with photo reports.

Tasks on freelance marketplaces

Your tasks of any complexity will be seen immediately on multiple platforms of our partners, ensuring maximum reach to achieve business goals.

Advertising display

Advertising banners will be displayed as small banners on other websites, blogs, and forums.

Non-standard requests

The platform allows you to achieve any goals in your funnel and offers an advanced visitor behavior builder.

Do you want more traffic and attention for your project?

With our platform, this will become a reality without the need to turn to expensive agencies. You control the process, and we provide you with everything for successful growth.

The audience of our service

SEO specialists




Internet Managers

Website Owners


Control Panel

Take a look at the screenshots of our platform; this is what the internal functionality of the service looks like.


1. Register

Go to the "Add Project" section
Select the type of traffic and the necessary settings
Top up the task budget or set up the program

35 237

Active users

in 41 countries in the last 30 days

Our visits cover the entire world: the CIS, Europe, America, Asia. This opens up amazing opportunities for combining the experiences of different markets in the implementation of new projects.

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Germany, Uzbekistan, Georgia, European Union countries, Israel, USA, Estonia, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, and others.

Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Yakutsk, and others.

Активных пользователей Активных пользователей

According to Google Analytics data, 94% of users in the summer of 2024:





\ Women

From 25 years old, 70% of users use the site on desktop computers.

10 years of work


134 917 +24 yesterday

Platform users

98 824

Projects created

455 134 034

Transitions yesterday

Question - Answer

When do orders start?
Question - Answer
Can you earn money from our traffic?
Yes, it is possible. Many webmasters use our traffic to work with traffic exchanges, monetize their websites through advertising, traffic arbitrage, or resell traffic.
Can you get clients or referrals from our traffic?
Yes, it is possible. But not with all types of traffic. Orders are possible with traffic that includes photo reports and motivated behavior. However, direct purchasing requests are prohibited by the rules. A user can only make a purchase if they like the offer through your link. You can also choose a cheaper type of traffic that consists solely of bots and is intended to increase counter metrics or adjust behavioral factors.
Where does our traffic come from?
It all depends on the chosen type of traffic; each type has its own cost and behavior. From affiliate task exchanges, micro-freelancing, and online earning exchanges. Advertising networks. We also offer direct bot traffic, using surfing, programs, or extensions.
Is the traffic safe for AdSense or YAN?
We recommend using traffic cautiously for sites with AdSense or YAN. We do not guarantee the safety of the account due to the potential decrease in CTR, not because of the quality of the traffic.

Results from our users and feedback

Our key strength lies in the speed of achieving results. We have created a platform that simplifies and makes transparent the process of promoting online projects. With its help, tasks are automated, which contributes to increased traffic and improved conversion for websites, pages, videos, channels, and other resources.

Start promoting your project today by using our technology, which makes promotion much easier and more accessible.


Traffic of any type for your needs

Achieving goals and objectives on websites
View counters
Improving rankings and positions
Improvement of KPIs

Strengthening backlinks pointing to your website

We know all the links that point to your website, we strengthen them, and they strengthen you.
Усиление ссылающихся на ваш сайт обратных ссылок

Identification and correction of critical errors

Obstacles to promotion and instructions for their quick correction

Improving user factors

User retention
Higher positions
Higher advertising revenues
More traffic
Усиление ссылающихся на ваш сайт обратных ссылок

Advantages of the service

Extensive experience in the field of crowd marketing and social promotion allows us to provide high-quality services.


User -friendly interface

The user-friendly interface allows you to quickly create an advertising campaign.


Quick start

No waiting, get any activity immediately after launch.


You can start with one of our pre-selected plans to configure your traffic or create your own plan with 1 million visitors. You can save. -10%, by choosing a monthly subscription. Also, receive a bonus. +20% for payment via electronic wallet.


50 000 visits

11,9 $ or 1049 ₽ -10%

+40% benefit +4 gift

Monthly payment

300 000 visits

29,99 $ or 1790 ₽ -10%

+40% benefit +4 gift

Monthly payment

500 000 visits

39,99 $ or 2490 ₽ -10%

+50% bonus benefit $10

Monthly payment

1 000 000 visits

49,99 $ or 3390 ₽ -10%

+70% benefit benefit $15

Monthly payment

3 000 000 visits

149,99 $ or 9998 ₽ -10%

+100% benefit benefit $50

Monthly payment

6 000 000 visits

299,99 $ or 18998 ₽ -10%

+100% bonus benefit $300

Monthly payment

The cost of a single visit to the website depends on the duration of the visit and the settings, as well as the type of traffic chosen.

If your website is interesting to the user, they may stay on it longer after the timer expires, while you only pay for the minimum time you have set, but only for traffic types with motivated behavior and photo reports.

to 10%

Additional discount for monthly plans.

to 10%
to +20%

Additional 20% bonus for crypto payments.

to +20%

Get your first conversions now! Create an advertising account in just a few clicks:

Get targeted visits.

1379 615 active internet users
Adult purchasing audience
Confident in using a computer/smartphone
Interested in earning money online
Use electronic wallets
Love games / play
Regularly shop at online stores
Actively participate in affiliate programs
Which websites are added to the system

Which websites are added to the system

Channels in Messengers
Video platforms
Online Stores
Social Networks
Blogs and Social
Service Websites



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